The hardest part of finding success with The Freedom Journal is just diving back into the Freedom Journal. It’s easy for me to set lofty goals – or sent loosely (ie. poorly) defined goals without end dates. I kicked off my Freedom Journal (Round 2) by committing to simply a launch date and moved forward! Day 2 is where the rubber meets the road – and it starts to actually take work moving in the right direction.
I learned a few things – while 160 people watched the first video and then this inside the group – the policy is to delete your first post if you’re posting every day. Which is great in that you don’t want a handful of people clogging up the news feed in the group – but makes it very hard to follow a story and catch up unless you see a daily post.
Day 1 was deleted – but I downloaded day 2 and embedded it below!
Is it super educational? No. It was meant to be a follow-up encouragement video inviting people already in the Freedom Journal community. Nonetheless – here’s the video from day 2!
If you need accountability with your goals, I’d love to have you on a video chat as well! Stay tuned for tomorrow (Day 3) where we dive in with David about his goals – which includes JUST STARTING!
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